From my earliest childhood, guided by my father, I caught my first fish during Sunday outings. In the company of my older brother, and gaining autonomy, we improved on all the species of fish present in the surrounding waters.
In the 80s, I started to specialize in carp fishing. To start with maize, then, after the first articles on English techniques in the magazine "Fishing and fish" in 85, with boilies with hair mounting.
At the end of the 80s, I reached a new level: the first nights, the first sessions and the discovery of the great lakes. Passion becomes a way of life, a philosophy. These years will be strewn with very beautiful meetings, in particular, during a meeting in 1993 on the lake of Saint-Cassien, the importer France SOLAR which will be the beginning of my fascination for the mark.
More than 30 years later, the passion of the first days still remains: more reasonable, chopped up by my professional life and dictated by my family life, but present.
Guided by a need for nature, I favor discovery and the great outdoors in connection with my passion for photography and video.
It is with pride that I join the SOLAR team.